Translation -

For those of you who don't live out of a book called "Korean At a Glance" the title translates into - I don't understand korean. ... Hello? I am taking on South Korea in a small town 60 minutes north west of Busan. I am 1 of a few foreigners in my very small town of 40,000 - another being my boyfriend. Together we are discovering ... well everything, Korean. Enjoy! Andrew's Blog



Almost two weeks ago, Andrew and I set out for Mokpo to join our friends Becky and Nick for our summer vacation.  We traveled by slow train, a long 6 + hours, then took a taxi to the boat ferry, hopped on the slow ferry, another 2 hours, missed the bus to the beach, waited another hour for a crazy restaurant owner with a long knife to drive us in the back of her truck to the beach and walked about 10 minutes to a nice place to set up camp.  From the time we left Jinyeong to the time we got to the beach it was well past 12 hours of traveling.  We had a really good time though for only camping for less than one day.  It was cloudy the next day but we all managed to get instantly fried.  Unfortunately it started to look rainy so we had to pack up camp about 3:30 in the afternoon to take the ferry back to Mokpo.  And we almost missed the boat ferry leaving at 6:30 because we had opened a bottle of wine and the ferry came a little early.  I'll soon have the rest of my photos and blog caught up on what we did after we returned to Mokpo.

These are my favorite photos + fun in the sun below.  You can check them all out on flickr.  

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