Translation -

For those of you who don't live out of a book called "Korean At a Glance" the title translates into - I don't understand korean. ... Hello? I am taking on South Korea in a small town 60 minutes north west of Busan. I am 1 of a few foreigners in my very small town of 40,000 - another being my boyfriend. Together we are discovering ... well everything, Korean. Enjoy! Andrew's Blog


bada bing bada boom

I finished all of my photos!  Here are three of my favorites from the last three sets.

Seomun Market in Deagu. Silver ballerina statues at a vendor: flickr deagu market

archclay museum in Kimhea. flat brick stone arch with modern structural influence:

Gyeongju ancient tombs.  William and Xavier killing ants.: flickr gyeongju